Zeitgeschichtliches Museum Mannheim (ZGMA)

English Pages

Welcome to our international Pages

For the time being we are re-building our homepage, so the english language pages will not be available for the time being!

Mannheim military history. Our exhibition covers a wide part of the local military history with rare exhibits, in words and pictures. The museum is located in the unique ambience of an original bomb shelter on two levels.   A visit you will not regret! 

The following history stories can be seen:

US Army in Mannheim – Heidelberg 1945 –  2015

Airfield Coleman Mannheim-Blumenau

Third Reich in Mannheim

Airships (Zeppelin) in Mannheim-Sandhofen

Kaiser Zeit & First World War

And Brand New : the German Army - Bundeswehr in Uniforms

We survive only on donations and need your help.

Donation are welcome via PayPal to info.zgma@gmx.de 


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